We’ve reached the sixth step to happiness as we passed into 2022. From all of us at Glam Soldier, a boho Americana boutique in Apex, North Carolina, we encourage everyone to look up!

Look Up at the Night Sky!
Most of us spend our days focusing on our work, families, shopping, and an array of tasks and chores and we’re always looking down - at our phones, our computer screen, at our kids! As a woman and veteran owned small business, this is one of the busiest times for us, so we know what it’s like.
But we ask you to find a moment each day and look up. Look up at the night sky (it’s the best time of year for stargazing, and we’ll tell you why in just a moment!) Look up at that beautiful old oak tree in the park, the trees lining the downtown streets, even skyscrapers have their own unique beauty. Can you remember lying on the ground and looking up at the clouds as a kid?
Not only is looking up visually pleasing, it’s also physically good for you. The action of looking up opens your chest and expands the lungs. The fresh oxygen intake creates a euphoric sensation that we can associate with the feeling of happiness.
And there’s also a spiritual element to looking up. In most cultures and religions, higher beings are associated with the heavens and so for millennia people have looked up in awe and wonder at the skies.
Light Shining in the Darkness
There’s plenty to see in wintertime. Decorations abound and pretty lights are everywhere. As well as being nice to look at, they’re also uplifting - the “light shining in the darkness” is symbolic of hope and goodness.
And this is a great time of year for the astronomers among us. The conditions are perfect for stargazing, with long, cold nights, crisp air, and clearer skies, and it gets fully dark earlier so the whole family can join in. It’s also the time of year some of the most amazing things can be seen, so grab a telescope or binoculars and head outdoors. Some of the objects to see are the Orion constellation, Sirius, or the Dog Star (the brightest star in the night sky and higher in winter), Cassiopeia and the Andromeda Galaxy. Meteor showers are common this time of year, and the lucky among us have even seen the Northern Lights, an event that’s on many people’s bucket lists.
The Star of Bethlehem
On December 21, 2020, we were all encouraged to look up at the night sky to witness an incredible and rare event that some associate with the ‘Star of Bethlehem’ or the ‘Christmas Star’ – a planetary conjunction when Jupiter and Saturn crossed paths to form one body or star, appearing closer than they have in 800 years.
Winter Solstice
What was also significant is that this event occurred on the Winter Solstice, just four days before Christmas. We can all agree it was a magical moment, much needed at the end of a difficult year that affected almost everyone across the globe.
Was this the same or a similar astronomical event reported in the New Testament – the star that led the three wise men to Joseph and Mary and their newborn son, Jesus? What do you think?
So we encourage you to grab a warm coat and head outside this winter – check out our eclectic collection of coats at Glam Soldier – and don't forget to LOOK UP!
Happy New Year from Glam Soldier!
The Glam Soldier Army is always on call to answer all your fashion questions. We're located at Upstairs 114 North Salem Street in Downtown Apex, North Carolina. Veteran owned and women owned, there's always a welcome in our little upstairs paradise, 25 steps up from street level. (919) - 267-6442.