Can you imagine how we could transform our world if each of us made a point of doing something nice for someone else every day? We could bring much needed happiness and unity to a fractured society, and it would be easy to achieve if we all participate. Just one small act of kindness at a time.

Here at Glam Soldier, a Boho-inspired boutique in Apex, North Carolina, our mission extends further than just doing business. One of our greatest joys is helping make you - our cherished clients - look even more beautiful. And we feel blessed and honored to serve and give back to our community, as a women and veteran owned small business.
One way we give back is through helping our veterans. On November 11th – Veterans Day here in the US – we celebrate and honor those who have served and sacrificed for their country. November is also National Military Family Month, National Family Caregivers Month, and Warrior Care Month. And the first week of November is National Veterans Small Business Week.
The Glam Soldier team are on a journey to find happiness in just 25 steps – the theme of all our blogs. And we think this one may be the most important step of all. Bringing happiness to others through simple acts of kindness.
What can we all do to brighten someone’s day?
It doesn’t have to be big, elaborate, or expensive. In fact, sometimes the smallest acts are most valuable and appreciated, like the poor widow in the Bible, who gave away the few pennies she possessed at the temple. Her meagre offering was worth more than that of a rich person who only gave away their surplus.
Make the impossible happen
Think about it for a moment. Remember the parable of the mustard seed? The mustard seed is a tiny seed yet grows into an enormous tree if it’s well tended. And just like the smallest amount of faith can grow and make the impossible happen, small acts of kindness can spread and multiply. Maybe one day, altruism can become a natural and normal part of everyday living.

A good deed can go a very long way, whether it’s calling someone out of the blue, leaving a nice message, or sending a hand-written letter (when’s the last time you received one of those?) Maybe just dropping off a single flower for a loved one who’s sick, helping an elderly person carry their groceries inside, or walking a neighbor’s dog. Giving a few dollars to a homeless person, helping a stray animal, volunteering at a soup kitchen, acknowledging people’s hard work, or just a mere thank you. We can also give someone a gift - it doesn't always have to be just at Christmas time or on birthdays. We never know how others are feeling, how many are quietly suffering, so a simple, kind, and compassionate act could have a significant effect on that person’s day and maybe even their life.
The kinder you are, the better you will feel
We can start in our homes, with our own families, then move out into our community, city, county, state, country…the rest of the world.
And the benefits not only extend to those you help, you too will reap the rewards. It’s been scientifically and experientially proven that doing something nice for others is beneficial. Think back on a time you spontaneously stopped to help a person or even an animal, in need. Or times you read about acts of courage and kindness online or in a magazine. It either made you cry or smile. Maybe both. Altruism is good for the body, activating the part of our brain that makes us feel pleasure, producing a hormone called oxytocin, which helps lower blood pressure and stress levels, and improves overall heart health. It also increases feelings of confidence and self-esteem, decreases depression, and generally results in more happiness and satisfaction. Therefore, the kinder you are the better you feel. So, as they say, it’s a win-win.
Thank you for your service
The season of joy and goodwill is almost upon us, with Thanksgiving around the corner and Christmas on the horizon. As we remember and honor the fallen and offer thanks to our veterans for their service, let’s also extend our love to family members, friends, neighbors and all our fellow human beings, this day end every day.
Love conquers all and kindness is free. These are things we should be spreading in these challenging times.
National Veterans Small Business Week
As we mentioned above, the first week of November is National Veterans Small Business Week. We want to give a quick shout out to our founder - the first Glam Soldier herself - former Army Captain Alisha Ramsey, entrepreneur, brand creator, designer, and co-owner of the Glam Soldier boutique. She served her country for 10 years and now brings joy and hope to women of all ages through helping us look and feel good.

Our boho-inspired fashions and accessories range from the very latest in jeans and tops, to upcycled military items, like canvas totes, vintage pieces, and one-of-a-kind items in our Glam Soldier private label special collections, including our awesome selection of jackets. Everything we sell is hand-picked and carefully selected, and many pieces are handcrafted and handmade. And we love, hats, boots - especially our best-selling Hey Jeny combat boots - logo tees and tanks, cool vintage finds, and whimsical skirts, like this textured gold handkerchief skirt.
10% Discount for veterans - always!
Here at Glam Soldier, located in downtown Apex, we aim to help veterans in any way we can, and always offer a 10% discount to veterans. We also have special fundraising events throughout the year, including our special all day Holiday Event on November 14. Shop our holiday items early, just $10 a ticket (only 100 tickets available!) All ticket money goes to Advocates 4 Vets, a charity founded by Toni Woodman.
And please join us for our live sales every Thursday night at 8:15 on Glam Soldier’s Facebook page or you can download our app.
We invite you to join us on our journey and make a daily decision to help spread joy through simple acts of kindness. Please leave a comment below and tell us about a kind act that made your day or maybe even transformed your life.